
Rescue 1122 Shahkot
Rescue 1122 Shahkot established by Govt. of Punjab like other Tehsils in Punjab Pakistan. Rescue 1122 Shahkot is situated at G.T Road Lahore near Bus Stop Shahkot, starting point of Nankana Road Shahkot.

There are 40 employees are working in Rescue 1122 office Shahkot in different shifts.  In case of any emergency there are 3 state of art Ambulances and 1 fully functional fire Brigade truck is available to rescue the people of shahkot and surroundings . Emergency help line 1122 is available 24 hours.

Mr. Imran Shahzad in charge (Rescue and Safety Officer)

Mr. Aziz (Computer Operator)

Rescue 1122 Shahkot:  Ph: (056) 3711120 (https://g.co/kgs/bm7wHq)

